"It was never in my dreams to make a cd as this…
My dream was to learn how to play some songs.
In 1993 I bought a tzouras, a bouzouki, a baglama and later a mandola, but I’ve never learned to play music, or learn the musical paths etc.
This doesn’t stop me from writing some melodies…
Time ago and after I was playing the strings, I read my lyrics and I wrote my first melodies.
At that time, I met the teacher John Xylouris (Psarogiannis) who urged me to focus on what I know to do well: In writing lyrics and music, not so much in playing music.
So I kept what I liked a lot, and after many years, I decided to share all the pieces I made by renowned artists and I was very lucky because they were also friends of mine.
I want to thank sincerely everyone one by one separately for giving beauty to my songs each with its own style.
The cd that you hold in your hands was created with love by all the players and I hope all the listeners will love it to
Have a good listening! "