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The book "Report to Greco" is an autobiographical fiction work, which is published for the first time after the death of the Cretan author, with particular care of the faithful companion of the writer, Helen Kazantzakis, and his close friend, Pantelis Prevelakis. The "Report to Greco" is a kind of spiritual autobiography or -as is often characterized by the very Kazantzakis a "reference" in the military sense, on their goals and efforts. The author begins the story of his childhood and marks the end of the story of the time of development of his personal great idea he called "Cretan Glance" and the arrest of the "Odyssey".

The author himself notes in the foreword of the work: "My Report to Greco is not autobiography; my life is personal for me only have a very relative value, for no other; the only value of recognize is this circumstance: the Welcome to ascend from step to step and reach as apsila could go to the strength and stubbornness -the peak arbitrarily naming Cretan Glance. So you find, reader, in this circumstance pages the red line, mellowed my blood drops, which marks my way among the people, passions and ideas. "

This publication is part of the New Revised Modern Version of the complete works of Nikos Kazantzakis, which is epanepimeleia of the classic author works. The book is published by scientific introduction Marina Grigoropoulou while in Addendum out a text Patroklos Stavrou and a Nikos Mathioudaki diligence note.


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