Vardas Giannis likes bridge which connects the musical world , life and paradpsi Eastern Crete with modern times . Living tradition, and play at the same time creates through their lyrics , the song and the lyre . Takes delivery of yeast and molds over images and myths of the crust , the Lassithi mountains, grandparents and our grandmothers . Highlights the tradition and life of the Cretan mountain of Lassithi not need shouting kapetanilikia balothies and to make their presence evident . The shepherd Yannis Vardas , genuine poet , excellent organopaiktiskai sole performer , drenched in virginity landscape and tradition creates based on fifteen poetry that continues the creative folk song , without any imitation but expresses spontaneous lifestyle and anxieties of . In this collection of poems included in Part 24 songs and the second part 200 couplets , most of which are erotic . Indicative of the rich emotions and expressiveness of . The language used is the idiom of the Mirabello region of Lassithi and the landscape that inspires him and is dressed with a natural nobility of the old Cretan , whose passions are translated into lyricism and spiritual celebration .